Sharks: Australian Museum Spatial StorytellingCreative EngineeringExperiential GalleryMarketing ActivationMuseum Exhibition Design & Production 2023-05-24
Suzhou Center Experiential GalleryBrand Experience & Retail & CorporateCorporate Art & Public ArtMarketing ActivationReal Estate Development Show Suite 2023-05-24
Zhijiang Castalia Court Marketing ActivationBrand Experience & Retail & CorporateContemporary Art InstallationCorporate Art & Public ArtExperiential GalleryReal Estate Development Show Suite 2023-05-24
EMSD Exhibition Gallery Phase 2 Spatial StorytellingBrand Experience & Retail & CorporateExperiential GalleryMarketing ActivationMuseum Exhibition Design & Production 2023-05-24
DigiRadiance Spatial StorytellingCreative EngineeringExperiential GalleryMuseum Exhibition Design & Production 2023-05-24
Objectification Spatial StorytellingContemporary Art InstallationCreative EngineeringExperiential GalleryMuseum Exhibition Design & Production 2023-05-24
HK Museum of Art – Beyond the Frames Spatial StorytellingCreative EngineeringExperiential GalleryMuseum Exhibition Design & ProductionUX & UI Design 2023-05-24
HK Palace Museum Opening Promotion Museum Exhibition Design & ProductionBrand Experience & Retail & CorporateCreative EngineeringExperiential Gallery 2023-05-22
Shanghai Expo 2010 – Urbanian Pavilion Spatial StorytellingBrand Experience & Retail & CorporateExperiential GalleryMarketing ActivationMuseum Exhibition Design & Production 2023-05-22
Tai Kwun – Heritage Storytelling Spaces Spatial StorytellingCreative EngineeringExperiential GalleryMuseum Exhibition Design & ProductionUX & UI Design 2023-05-21